Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snap Shot Saturday-Week 2

Didn’t do so well taking pictures this week.  I should have set a daily goal of what to take pictures of like Samantha from the more I run.  She set up a daily schedule for her 30-day photography challenge.  This is all I have for you this week. 


My favorite shoes,  ‘chucks’ .  I have a black, red, white and now orange pair!

photo    photo2

It snowed on Monday, January 9. Just about an inch, but it was beautiful to watch come down.  I took these pictures after working at the hospital. 

Have a great three day weekend!


byn always said...

Here from the SITS forums:)

I LOVE those shoes! I have them in hot pink, and white with hot pink trim (I'm a hot pink kinda person:)

*psst, I have teenagers, too, and my oldest just graduated to 'grown up' and is twenty!

Carolina said...

Yeah! A fellow blogger with teens...I'll be checking you out for advice!