Sewcarolinaknits interrupts the regularly scheduled A-Z Challenge to bring you the following:
What can I say about the letter O regarding knitting?
Oh I love knitting
Obsessed with knitting
The colors of yarn have me Overjoyed!
Instead I have to get the following off my chest.
I'm angry, angry that two men decided to make homemade bombs and then set them by the finish line of the Boston marathon. Angry that so many people were injured and angry that innocent people lost their lives.
I remember what it's like to run a marathon. The training involved was hard, the long runs were done on the weekends and it took time away from family. The end result was so worth it! As we lined up in our corral with thousand of others, Mary, Sally and I were nervous. Would we finish? Would we finish in time? Yet we were also excited that finally the day had come, we were going to run the Marine Corps Marathon, we were going to run it together and finish no matter what. We took off at a good pace and commented on the slogans and memorials written on the back of race shirts and the number of spectators out to cheer the runners.. Mary and I lost Sally somewhere around mile five. There were still many runners around us during the first few miles. Mary and I lost each other at about mile eleven. We had stopped at a water station, she for Gatorade and me for water. I turn around and she was nowhere in sight. I never felt I was running solo, the crowd support was amazing. There wasn't one spot on the race where there wasn't at least one spectator cheering me on. I remember as I turned the corner toward the finish, the last 1/4 mile was uphill-I love running uphill. As I ran and gave it all I had, seeing the finish line banner made me very emotional. Marines in uniform were lined up along the finish cheering me on and all I wanted to do was stop and take in that lovely view...the finish line! I not only finished, but finished strong! I had run 26.2 miles and I felt great!

While the news replayed the footage of the runners about to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon as a bomb explodes to the left of them, my heart went out to them. I could feel their pain, yet exhilaration that just yards was the finish line. Then to have the joy of crossing the finish line taken away from them.....words fail me.
My running buddy and friend was there with her family cheering her husband. The Bostoon Marathon was a birthday dream for him. He did finish before the first bomb went off, but every year he will be reminded of what happened on that gorgeous day. My friend was thrown off her feet when the second blast went off. She has a broken leg and will be in a cast unable to run for the next six weeks. Yes, I'm thankful that she is alive and that this injury will just be a minor setback and she will be out running again, but I'm still angry. She and I had gotten into this rhythm in our workouts, just days before they left for Boston we had run eight strong miles.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest......