Novena Prayers...
Do you see the badge on the right side of my blog? About half way down and it changes periodically? It's the novena badge from Pray More A website that sends out the corresponding novena prayers to your email. I've been part of pray more novenas for about a year and I'm so thankful that the prayers are there for me on a daily basis.
What is a novena? A novena is a series of daily prayers that you pray for nine consecutive days. The daily prayers may be the same, or different, depending on the particular novena that we are praying. According to Catholic Encyclopedia a novena is "A nine days' private or public devotion in the Catholic Church to obtain graces. There are four types of novenas novenas of mourning,novenas of preparation, novenas of prayer, and novenas of indulgence.
This month we are praying the novena to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost people, items and spiritual goods. If anything is lost, I pray "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, something is lost, help me find it." That little prayer works! I've found my keys, glasses, or a book I've lost, not right away, maybe several days later, but the lost item is found!
Why not join me in praying this novena to St. Anthony?