Friday, December 2, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (#7)

1.  Do you enjoy listening to audiobooks?  What about podcasts?  I found the best of both worlds.  Craftlit, a podcast for anyone who loves books.  The  featured book for the moment is Dracula.  Heather talks about crafting for the first 15 minutes or so and then she gives us a mini literature lesson regarding the book, details about the author, characters, unfamiliar terms, etc.  Give it a listen!
2.  Trying to blog every day this month and have joined the December NaBloPoMo with  Last month I blogged for five days straight, not counting the posts I wrote for the quick takes Friday.  My goal is to blog, at least, for ten consecutive days so that by February I will be writing everyday.
3.  Praying the Immaculate Conception novena.  It helps me that the days prayers come up on my email.  
4.  Running for chocolate tomorrow!  Yes, I am!  Running the Hot Chocolate 15K, at the end of the race I will be able to partake of hot chocolate and as much Ghirardelli chocolate I can stand.
5.  Participated in my first craft fair yesterday.  It was a fundraiser to support the West Springfield Dance Team, of which both my girls are members.  I made laminate cotton travel bags and burpies: burp cloths that will then be loveys.  My girls loved those cotton cloth diapers, after many washings they become so soft that they would carry them around everywhere, even needing them to sleep.
6.  Love new gadgets!  The ‘square’ is a little attachment that plugs into your iPhone and then allows you to accept credit cards.  No contract and the ‘square’ is free when you sign up.
7.  A husband who cooks, and cooks REALLY well is a true treasure and gift from God!

1 comment:

Brenda Stevens said...

I LOVE CHOCOLATE...i will be eating it when you're running today :0)

loved your blog