I just started listening to Food for the Journey from Renewal Ministries. It’s hosted by Sr. Ann Shields. The program is just about 15 minutes long and a great way to start my idea. I’m going to commit to try and listen daily in the morning. Check it out.
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I’m participating in BlogHer.com National Blog Posting Month in an effort to post more often and become a better writer. Check it out, there are prizes and prompts to help you get started writing everyday.
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Training for the SunTrust Rock and Roll Half Marathon and to stay motivated I’m raising money for Girls on the Run-DC.http://www.active.com/donate/gotrdcsolemates/CDiez
Loooooong day at work yesterday. But on the upside, I did get to cuddle with the cutest, most sweetest Down’s baby.
Thanks for your prayers! The dance team made it to NYC and back home safe and sound. They had a really good time.
Please pray for my friend in the middle of much family turmoil.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
i'm a former nicu mom so i have so VERY much respect and love for what you do. my 1 lb 15 oz. 29 weeker is now 2.5 years old and i still miss his nurses. they made my life livable during the 2 months we spent there.
Thank you! I LOVE my job! I was able to discharge a baby yesterday, the smiles on the parents were huge!! Congratulations on your sweet 2 1/2 year old!
OOooh, #5 just made my day! My little chromosomally-gifted girl was never in the NICU, but she was in the PICU twice, and we have such love & appreciation for the nurses (and the docs!) who took care of here there.
Good luck on your half-marathon! My husband just ran one two weeks ago. His first. Maybe his only. We'll see.
I love your term: chromosomally-gifted! I'm going to start using that from now on. I didn't mention that he smiled at me, yes he did! I knot it wasn't gas;}
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