Thursday, April 5, 2012

A-Z Challenge…During

Couldn’t think of anything running related to go with D.  It could have been determination or distance, but I have those topics saved for later posts.  So I’m sticking with during…what is going on in my head during a run or race.
If I’m running around the neighborhood, I usually have one ear bud in my ear and I’m listening to music.  I just keep one ear bud in so I can listen to  cars coming behind me, and  so I can be more aware of my surroundings.  The first mile is usually the hardest.  I’m huffing and puffing, thinking that there are a millions things I would rather be doing at home rather than be out here running.  By mile 2 I’m getting into my groove and really enjoying the time alone, the music I’m listening to and giving thanks for a healthy body, and a glorious day!
It’s a totally different story when I’m running a race.  During a race I ditch the music, it’s too distracting to listen to music in one ear and other runners conversations in the other.  During a race my  head is taking it all in, fellow runners and their costumes and the sayings on the back of other runners t-shirts.  My favorite saying is “I can do all things with Christ on my side”, that saying really gets me motivated!  Yes I can, yes, I can! Half way through the run the aches and pains running through my body are trying to tell my head that it's time to stop.   The whinnies set in…my knee hurts….my back hurts….how much longer…..!    Then I run through a patch of the course filled with cheering spectators holding up signs.  The funniest signs I’ve seen are: This is a lousy parade…..and…who farted? The signs make me laugh and keep me going until I see the finish line…the finish line..Yeah!
Participating in the A-Z challenge. The challenge is to write a post everyday using the corresponding letter of the alphabet. The theme I’ve decided to tackle during this challenge is running. The posts will spotlight varied running related aspects. Enjoy the running journey. (#1682)


a.eye said...

So glad you have one earbud out so you can hear the cars. I always worry about runners with earbuds in. When I used to run a lot, I just loved to hear the cars, and the sounds of nature around me... plus I was often worried I would be hit by something after a running friend had a close call with a car.

Red said...

I think with signs like that I would have a hard time not stopping to ask what they were thinking when they made the sign...
Checking in from A to Z (#1627 today)

Carolina said...

Thanks! Even with one bud in my ear, I've almost been hit by two cars...not looking to the right before they cross the intersection. Crazy!